Friday, May 25, 2012

Taco Bell, Where’s the Beef?

We have all heard that Taco Bell is known for their lower quality “beef” over the years.  Yet, millions of Americans each week continue to go and buy tacos, burritos, and nachos from Taco Bell.  In their commercials, Taco Bell claims that their seasoned beef is delicious and that their prices are low.  But what makes their prices so low?  A closer look at what their “beef” really is may show why. 

The USDA has set a standard on what can legally be called beef in the United States.  It is federally regulated that beef must be made of at least 70% beef to be legally called beef.  An Alabama law firm has filed a lawsuit against Taco Bell in California, saying that they advertise their product as beef.  The law firm says that they have done tests that have determined the Taco Bell beef to be only 35% beef and 65% filler.  Taco Bell refutes this lawsuit, claiming that their meat is 88% beef and 12% filler

Throughout this lawsuit, Taco Bell has stood by the quality of their meat. Workers state that some of the more displeasing ingredients used in their recipe seem that way only because of the name given to them by the producers, the actual content is completely harmless and can be found in most grocery stores. Finally, Taco Bell has never hidden what ingredients go into their recipe.  That information has always been available to the public; this is just the first time that the meat has been tested to reveal the actual levels of each ingredient.

We have all heard the rumors about Taco Bell, but these tests are putting actual numbers to these rumors.  After reading the article, would you still eat at Taco Bell?  Has this changed your opinion about Taco Bell and possibly other fast food restaurants?  Should Taco Bell advertise more about the types of fillers they use?  And should Taco Bell be obligated to improve the quality of their beef?   

This article may help answer the discussion questions.


  1. After reading this article, I would still eat Taco Bell. Honestly, if you are buying Taco Bell, you know what you're getting, and for a price so cheap, what do you expect? Even though it is only 30% beef I would still get it because it is delicious and cheap. The article hasn't changed my views on other fast food restaurants either. I don't think Taco Bell should advertise that they do use fillers. Mostly everyone knows now, and it would be hurtful for their company if they advertise their food in this way. "Hey, come to Taco Bell we use 70% fillers in our meat." I don't know why any company would do that and I would not expect them to. Overall I think Taco Bell can do whatever they want and unless someone makes a stand on the beef, then it will never be changed.

  2. I agree with Corey, I think if you eat at Taco Bell you know what you're paying for. Their food is cheap for a reason, because it's quick and easy fast-food. If someone wants a gourmet meal chances are they aren't going to eat at TBell. After reading this article my opinion hasn't really changed. I pretty much go to Taco Bell or any fast food restaurant when I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like cooking for myself. They're great places to go to eat and not spend a lot of money in the process. Regarding their advertising I don't think they should change it. The lawsuit is still in process so who knows who's right and who's wrong at this point. I think if any changes should be made it should be the USDA's standards for what can and cannot be considered beef.

  3. I love taco bell and will definitely still be eating there. Even when I first heard about this it did not bother me. If the food tastes good, I do not really care what it is made out of. Agreeing with Corey and Joe, you can't really expect high quality from a cheap fast food restaurant. It would not be smart for Taco Bell to advertise their fillers more because what is appetizing about a taco filled with fillers instead of beef? I don't really care if Taco Bell improves their meat or not because like I said, I think it tastes good.

  4. I pretty much agree with what already has been stated here. You get what you pay for at Taco Bell, or any other fast food joint for that matter. I believe that Taco Bell should be held accountable if indeed they were falsely advertising. But honestly why would they. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't lie about how much beef they put in their product. It's Taco Bell, after all. Everyone knows it's shit. And delicious.

  5. I will definitely still eat at Taco Bell. Taco Bell is one of my favorite fast food places. When you go there you know exactly what your buying. A taco for less than a dollar cannot be high quality. This article is pretty much common knowledge know-a-days. You don't go to Taco Bell thinking you are going to get the same thing you would if you went to an authentic mexican restaurant. I never ate at Taco Bell too often and this article will not make that any less. Actually, showing their food made me want to go get some because I have not had it in such a long time. I think that all meat should have to be quality tested, but I also don't think that how poor Taco Bell's meat would be proven to be would hurt their sales at all. Pretty much everyone already knows what Taco Bell is.

  6. I love Taco Bell, so I definitely will still be eating there whenever I please. Everyone knows that Taco Bell doesn't use the best quality of meat, but as everyone has said it is delicious and extremely cheap. I would expect nothing less of them since I am literally paying for a taco that is 89 cents. I don't think Taco Bell should have to advertise about their fillers because that would just be stupid. It would hurt their company substantially. I don't think Taco Bell should be obligated to improve their beef because everyone knows what they are paying for and I think it still tastes extremely good. I agree with Corey though, I don't think very much can be done about the beef and the company, unless something goes further than this lawsuit.

  7. I am honestly not surprised with these findings at all. I used to eat Taco Bell when I was younger, I'd even have to travel 45 min to another city just to go get it and I always wondered why we never had one in my city. Turns out, that Taco Bell did not meet my city's standards on the quality of food expected to be present in every restaurant. Since then, I stopped eating there cold turkey and would make homemade tacos if I ever craved for some. I was even surprised that you could get tacos for so cheap! But really, I agree with everyone else. You get what you pay for-you pay 39 cents for tacos, you get crappy quality. I don't know if Taco Bell should advertise about their filters though, because everyone knows that when you go to Taco Bell or any other fast food place, you're expecting unhealthy, lower quality food in exchange for food given at a lower cost and faster pace. This does not change my eating habits, but in fact, further confirms my decision to not eat there.

  8. Even after reading this article, I will continue to eat at Taco Bell. But it made me see that Taco Bell should advertise more about what really goes into their food and maybe even change their slogan to "think outside the cow." I also think Taco Bell should more clearly prove that their meat is actually 88% beef before they can call it beef. Regardless, people will still eat at Taco Bell and other fast food places because they're cheap, fast, and taste good. This doesn't mean places like Taco Bell should take advantage of people by serving them really low quality food though.

  9. I will still continue to eat at Taco Bell. I feel like most people already know that Taco Bell uses poor quality beef and the findings won’t stop their customers from eating there. I think that there would be more public outrage if Taco Bell used higher quality beef because it would force them to charge higher prices.

  10. Taco bell is delicious, and im sure almost anyone whos had it will agree. Like the customers in the video said, you get what you pay for. And besides that, no one has died because their meat is only the supposed 36% beef. Just like any other fast food, or sweets and cookies, it should be eaten in moderation. Taco bell is more like a treat, so ill eat it if i want it, just not all the time.

  11. I agree with Paul. Taco Bell is shit and it is also delicious. People understand that the food there is basically the lowest quality meal you can get anywhere. However, the fact is people simply don't care enough about the quality to outweigh the convenience, price, and taste of Taco Bell. I firmly believe there is just about nothing that could ever ruin my appetite for Taco Bell and if anything, reading this article made me more hungry for a quesadilla right now.

  12. I agree with Adam. Taco Bell is great to eat and is delicious despite the reports on the quality of their beef. I will still eat Taco Bell regardless of the beef because it is so cheap. Due to Taco Bell being so cheap the reports about their beef shouldn't be so surprising. How else would Taco Bell make money if they didn't use the 36% beef? Overall, I think Taco Bell is great, but no one should eat Taco Bell everyday because it is so unhealthy.

  13. I'm surprised that so many people like Taco Bell, but I haven't been there since I came to America. I don't really like fast food, and would probably eat Taco Bell by chance. People know what they will get when they choose to eat fast food, and they can make judgement about the quality no matter what kind of advertise they see. It's ridiculous to see advertising about fillers, instead, the government or other official organizations should do the job. Since there's no illness or harm caused by Taco Bell, requiring Taco Bell to have better quality is not very appropriate, but I think that it could have more customers if the quality is improved.

  14. I agree with Ryan and everyone else that taco bell is a great place to eat. I will also eat Taco Bell no matter what just for the simple fact that the food is 36% beef and I do need some beef in my life, That's how I gain my weight. But the reports about Taco Bell is normal every fast food place has some type of report about it that's not good that's why its called fast food. Ryan right though eating Taco Bell or any fast food lace is not healthy for you at all

  15. i would still eat taco bell all day, the steak quesadilla is so good, how can you not love it. the ingredients are all available information so it isn't like they are truly deceiving you
